Designed, in the first instance, for the Healthcare sector, EICON AI provides a compelling architecture to the AI Algorithm provider - managing the algorithms, versioning, deployment configurations, pipelines, routing, etc. in the Cloud and using a fully configured agent at the 'Edge' at each Healthcare site for algorithm execution, results management, etc., and providing full audit trail of all data transformations and user activities.
EICON AI: Business Drivers
Execution at the Edge – a model for the future. EICON AI is an end-to-end, fully automated algorithm execution platform. Algorithms are managed in the Cloud and executed at the Edge, adjacent to the data.
The separation of algorithm management from algorithm execution and the high level of configurability in EICON AI makes this an extremely scalable solution that can easily be adapted for enterprise-level adoption of AI-based capabilities to match evolving developments in medical imaging AI.
Facilitates AI analysis using either EICON-based or third party algorithms
Provides ability to
Manage AI algorithms
Manage configurations, routing rules and pipelines
Set up data pre-processing procedures
Security at all levels of the architecture - data, user, system, network, Cloud
Performance. While providing full control over AI algorithm pipelines, the EICON AI architecture optimizes algorithm execution – shortens the data round-trip from source to algorithm and of results back to source.
Data security and privacy. Source data never leave the hospital or enterprise network. As a result, data de-identification is not required and any concerns relating to inadvertent release of PHI beyond the secure network are obviated.
Full audit trail and regulatory compliance